Membership: if interested in joining INLAP please click here
Company secretary (and main contact person for other matters): Vijay Mehta. 97 Commercial Road, London E1 1RD. Tel 07776 231 018. Biographical notes.
Chair: Prof. John de V Roberts 01903 714 405. Biographical notes.
Treasurer: George Farebrother, 67 Summerheath Rd., Hailsham, Sussex BN27 3DR, 01323 844269, Biographical notes.
Biographical Notes
Chair: Prof. John de V Roberts. Emeritus
professor of International Studies. Local historian of Devon in 16th
century. Active as world federalist since 1948. Writes weekly e-mail
World Citizen Letter. Father of two, grandfather of four.
Past Chair: Beverley Chipp was Chair of INLAP from March 1998
until June 2001. During that period she carried out the main burden of
the work at a time when various law and peace organisations in the UK were
undergoing considerable development and change. She revised the booklet
about the International Court of Justice, "Going to Court not War",
maintained INLAP's periodical "INLAP Time" for which she wrote
several thought-provoking articles, and produced valuable campaigning material.
Company Secretary: Vijay Mehta M.A. is President: VM Centre for Peace; Secretary and Editor: INLAP (Institute for Law and Peace); Co-Chairman: World Disarmament Campaign; Co-Chairman: Arms Reduction Coalition; Vice Chairman: Action for United Nations Renewal; Secretary: London CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament).
His most recent book is 'The United Nations & its Future in the 21st Century.' The book is a collection of annual lectures by prominent UN academics, professionals and politicians about how the United Nations should be reformed to meet the threats and challenges of the 21st century. He is also the author of 'Arms No More' which exposes the hideous global arms trade and charts ways to curb its proliferation and promote global peace and security. He is presently working on a new book entitled 'How to Stop the Threat of terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).'
He has served on various advisory bodies on peace and disarmament and was a member of the team of international experts who met in Greece for the creation of the School of Athens. He is an anti-nuclear campaigner and travels widely to give talks on international relations, peace, disarmament, UN reforms and the global arms trade in all its aspects from small arms, light weapons, to nuclear weapons and WMD - nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological.
He is actively involved in the peace movement and writes articles for various journals and newsletters.
Treasurer: George
Farebrother, 67 Summerheath Rd., Hailsham, Sussex BN27 3DR, 01323 844269, George Farebrother, a retired
history teacher, is treasurer of INLAP and UK Secretary of the World Court
Project, working from his home in Sussex. The Project worked
for five years to obtain an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of
Justice (World Court) on the legal status of nuclear weapons. He
developed the concept of individual Declarations of Public Conscience.
Eventually 3.7 million of these, in 37 languages, were collected and sent to
the World Court.
He also works with Abolition 2000, a global network to eliminate nuclear
weapons and is a member of the UK core group. He is Secretary of the
Sussex Peace Alliance and a member of the Religious Society of Friends.